Puppy Application First NameLast NameAddressCityStateZip CodeE-mailPhone numberDo you live in a house, apartment, or condominium? Do you have a yard?Do you have children? If so what ages?Have you had dogs in the past? Where are they now?Do you currently have pets?Why did you choose this breed?Have you ever raised a puppy before?What gender, size, coat color and texture are you looking for?Does anyone in the family have allergies?How many hours will the puppy be alone per day?Where do you plan on keeping the puppy at night and during the day?How did you hear about OCGoldendoodles?Do you understand that there is a $700 nonrefundable deposit to guarantee a puppy in the next litter? It is not refundable if you change your mind. It is transferable to another litter. The only time it is refundable is if there is no pregnancy or no puppy.Thank you for your interestCAPTCHA